Patrick bateman listening to music meme
Patrick bateman listening to music meme

patrick bateman listening to music meme

Novel and film: Patrick Bateman is a despicable and narcissistic psychopath who moonlights as a mass murderer while keeping up his appearance as a stockbroker."Common Knowledge": Quite some people erroneously believe that songs used with the "Sigma Male" memes (such as " The Perfect girl " from Mareux) are part of the American Psycho soundtrack, when they actually aren't.Can't Un-Hear It: Try and read the book without hearing Christian Bale.This just demonstrates his sociopathy he doesn't feel differently about shoplifting and torturing people to death.

#Patrick bateman listening to music meme crack

  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: In a chapter that begins and ends in mid-sentence, Bateman wanders on the street, doing things like shoplifting a can of ham from Gristede's for absolutely no reason and buying crack rock from a street dealer and eating it in front of him.
  • The musical's rendition of " In the Air Tonight" is gorgeous, with the eerie harmonies and near-total lack of intrumentals making for a very haunting number.
  • Also from the musical, "Killing Time" is downright hypnotic.
  • patrick bateman listening to music meme

    Most notable are the songs "Selling Out" and "This Is Not An Exit." The musical version has some for it's more original songs.In particular, Huey Lewis and the News actually had a Colbert Bump thanks to this film. This aspect can be lost now, because a lot of the music featured that was despised in The '90s has been rehabilitated in the public consciousness, and has a lot more respect than when the book and especially the film came out. Patrick's enthusiasm is oddly infectious, though. The soundtrack is comprised of the cheesiest 80's songs imaginable and Patrick's tastes are often the subject of parody. Mary Harron and Guinevere Turner were also ignored for Best Adapted Screenplay. Award Snub: Christian Bale didn't receive an Academy Award nomination for his performance.It wound up being his breakout role as an adult actor. And You Thought It Would Fail: Everyone told Christian Bale not to take the role of Patrick Bateman, believing that the film would be career suicide.People believing Paul is alive could have been meeting Patrick. Patrick himself pretends to be Paul Owen/Allen, even after his murder.Either he simply doesn't believe Patrick, he mistook Paul for someone else or he's covering up for Bateman. After Bateman confessed to his lawyer, Harold Carnes, that he killed Allen, the latter claims that's impossible because he had dinner with Paul earlier.Harron would then edit the takes together, giving the audience an unsure vibe of what Detective Kimball thought of Bateman. In each scene with Detective Donald Kimball, Mary Harron asked Willem Dafoe to portray his character three different ways: 1) Kimball knew Patrick Bateman killed Paul Allen, 2) Kimball didn't know Bateman killed Allen, and 3) Kimball wasn't sure if Bateman killed Allen.Either he mistook Patrick and Evelyn for another couple, Bateman imagined himself as the dumper, or Evelyn twisted the narrative in order to save face. Among other things, Harold told "Davis", AKA Patrick, that Evelyn dumped him, not the other way around, as was shown earlier.

    patrick bateman listening to music meme

    In the famous business card scene, did Bryce really prefer Van Patten's card over Bateman's? Or was he being sarcastic? The knowing look he gives Bateman after joking "how'd a nitwit like you get so tasteful?" implies it to be the latter, but Bateman takes it genuinely because of how insecure he is of the mere possibility that Bryce prefers Van Patten's card.Are the people that surround Patrick really so blinkered, stupid and self-absorbed that they can't recognize he's a monster? Or is this how a deluded sociopath who believes himself untouchable would view the world: as superficially different but ultimately identical zombies, that can be placated, cajoled, victimized and slaughtered at will? The ending of the musical leans toward Patrick being a solipsist a little more, but the book and film keep it, as with many aspects of his perception, ambiguous.Of course, that's if he really committed said crimes to begin with. Oliver Harper believes that Bateman's father (who "practically owns the company") covers up his crimes and that the woman at Paul Allen's apartment was sent by him.

    Patrick bateman listening to music meme